Monday, November 24, 2008

America's Next Top "Mock" Model Will be...

On Saturday morning, I was watching "America's next top model." When Jonathan came over he saw some of it too. He started commenting on how silly he thought it all was; how outrageous, funny, and overdone the whole modeling thing really is.

The next thing I knew, he was standing in front of me, doing all of these hilariously funny poses and action shots!! :-D He had me in tears and gasping for breath, I was LAUGHING SO HARD!!

What do you all think of the Critiques given to my fun-loving, and a little crazy Boyfriend; on "America's next top mock model" by our very own panel of judges:

"Always keep the Clint you are modeling for in mind. It's about what they want. Pull back on showing your Sexiness. It comes naturally to you, don't force it! Too much sexy can actually be a bad thing, high fashion modeling."

"A true MODEL always knows their angles. You nailed it in this shot!!!"

"This shot is fierce!! We can see the intensity written all over your face!"

" Ooh WAY too much backside!! We have completely lost your face in this shot! Remember, modeling is all in the face."

1 comment:

Amy said...

Okay- Hillarious. I think Jonathan should persue the modeling career.
So fierce!