Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Red-heads’ Like It Hot!

Some of you may know that I have been coloring my hair various shades of a darker red, since high school. I have always liked red/auburn hair. I think it looks better on me. I really like the way it looks.
I can remember talking to Jonathan on our very first date. He said I had beautiful hair and that he liked it. I can remember mentioning how I really needed to get my hair re-colored; it was all faded at the time. He asked me what color I usually like to get it colored. I said some shade of red! He said really!? Thinking back I can remember how when I said this, his eyes about popped out of his head and he got a big smile on his face!
I later found out that, he has ALWAYS HAD A HUGE THING FOR RED HEADS’! WOW, does him ever!

It is crazy to count all the ways that we think the Lord has made it, so that we fit together! We have so many things in common. This fact is so apparent sometimes, that it feels as though we “share a brain.” Often times Jonathan will say things to me like, “You are on my same brain wave.” Or “are you in my brain?” and “you’re thinking just like me!” It is neat to be that close to my partner. To know what he is thinking before he even says it sometimes. It makes life much easier. Sometimes we can be having a whole conversation, just by looking at each other. I HAVE LOVED being that close to someone. It can make life fun!

I can remember the first time Cousin Sean watched us “talking with our eyes” to each other’s brains; It made him uncomfortable and he said “Well, I can see that you guys have some sort of lover telepathy thing going on and it’s making me freak out a little…can you please stop?” As I write this, I realize that it sounds totally nuts! You all probably think I am talking crazy; but it’s true! Jonathan and I used to talk a lot with our eyes. It still happens sometimes! You should try it with your husband sometime, IT COULD BE FUN!

...Ok, back to the red head talk. Seeing as how my FiancĂ©’s love and desire for a woman with red hair, is so strong; you can probably guess what Jonathan’s reaction was when I came home looking like this:

We both love my new hairdo so much! I got it re-dyed because we are going to have our engagement pictures on Valentine’s Day! (Cute…huh?) Plus I got very tired of looking at my brunette roots! I’ve gotten a ton of compliments on my new do. Many have asked if I color my hair because Jon has a “thing for red heads.” My answer is no, I just really like the look. If Jonathan wants to think it’s all for him, then sure babe, IT’S ALL FOR YOU! Anything for you love!
My bug loves it so much; he can hardly keep his hands off me or my head! He even tends to give me an extra look every now and then :) I REALLY ENJOY being/feeling this wanted! LOL

Only a few more months and he will have me all to himself! :-D


Leah said...

Aw your hair looks so great! Isn't it funny how when you find the person you are truly suppose to be with you have everything in common. John and I are 11 years apart and STILL have everything in common!

I'm excited to see your engagement photos!

Amy said...

Hot mamma! Thanks for keeping your post family friendly:)! I am glad Jonathan likes red heads!

Jessio said...

Hey, you look really good. Engagement pictures are so fun! Paul and I had SO MUCH FUN when my mom did ours. I love looking at them even now because we just look so so so happy. It helps remind me of what a good thing we really do have now that we've found each other. I'm glad you and Jonathon have something good too!