Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rain, Rain, STAY AWAY! Please Don’t come on Picture Day!!

If you have been listening to the news and local weather reports, you know that in California it rained non-stop last week! At the beginning of this week it was reported that this week, would be much the same as the last. Except it was supposed to be raining Monday, stop Tuesday, rain Wednesday, and take a break Thursday and rain Friday and Saturday, with slight breaks between showers during those days.

So far this week it rained on Monday, (there was even hale and a thunder storm) but it has not rained yesterday, or today. Most of today’s weather reports have stated that the rain will soon return and continue on well into the weekend.

Do to the likelihood of the rain continuing this Saturday, I have been worried that me and Jonny-bug will not be able to take our engagement pictures outdoors at heritage park; like we have wanted to for quite a while now. (We love it there!) I also have wanted to avoid making Cousin Amy make more then one trip out here, in hopes to take our pictures in good weather. The other thing is that I want to steer clear of taking and having to use pictures, that I am just “okay” with. After all, these are our engagement photo’s we are taking. We are going to keep them for like, EVER and also we will remember this experience for a long time!

Luckily, I heard 1 report on channel two; the storm is going to blow out of our area by Saturday, because of a change in the wind. All bets are on that report! Let’s hope that it’s true. Pray the rain stays away for Saturday. I don’t mind the clouds, because I know that, it’s best to take photographs early in the morning, in the evening, or on overcast days. This is because the clouds overhead do eliminate shadows and whatnot from the pictures Amy takes. Yes the clouds can stay, but any rain must be gone! PLEASE, PLEASE, LET ANY BAD WEATHER BE NO WHERE IN SIGHT BY VALENTINES DAY!!! We would really like to take our engagement pictures outside!!! Oh well, I guess we will just have to wait and see if the rain truly holds off. The odds don’t sound like they are in our favor much.

I definitely feel better knowing, that regardless of the weather outside, Amy is coming to take our pictures. If it comes down to it, we will take them in doors somewhere. I have total confidence in her. I know that they will be BEAUTIFUL and I will be happy with our engagement photographs no matter what!


Leah said...

I'll pray for good weather and who knows you might just get lucky. I totally know what those days feel like when we do our family photos twice a year! Grrr! Weather is always acting up for us too!

Alex's birthday is March 21st =]

Sunnie said...

can't wait to see them. i'm sure they will turn out so great!

Jessio said...

Hey, have a great time getting your pictures taken. We had a lot of fun getting ours and they're pretty much the only good pictures of us that we actually have now. Hopefully you guys will be better than we have been at actually taking pictures after you're married... I love you!

Amy said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I hope the rain stays away too.
See ya tomorrow!

Lauren said...

you're right they'll be great pictures no matter if it's sunny or cloudy. I can't wait to see them. I do love your red hair too. It looks like you should have always been a red head. I can't imagine you with any other color. P.S. YOu inspired me to buy the song Feel like Fire from itunes. Thanks